1. Payment of fees is required before the start of each month, and enrollment will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Failure to settle fees may result in denial of entry to classes.
  2. All fees paid for classes are non-refundable and cannot be reimbursed.
  3. New students joining during the academic year must pay a one-time materials fee of $120, which covers essential materials distributed according to the Centre’s schedule.
  4. If a student is absent, they are responsible for arranging attendance in a different class within the same academic week. Alternatively, they may request access to a recorded video lesson.
  5. The Centre reserves the right to deny class attendance to any student displaying symptoms of illness or suspected of being contagious.
  6. The Centre prioritizes student safety but assumes no liability for any injuries, losses, or damages that may occur during its services.
  7. Personal belongings lost within the Centre’s premises are the sole responsibility of the owner.
  8. The Centre reserves the right to refuse entry or dismiss any student displaying disruptive or inappropriate behavior that compromises the well-being of others. In cases of continuous misconduct, the student may be dismissed without refund.
  9. Classes scheduled on public holidays will be rescheduled, and advance notification will be provided.
  10. The Centre may use photos, sounds, and videos recorded within the premises for advertising and promotional purposes.
  11. All learning materials are protected by copyright and for personal use only. Selling or redistributing these materials is strictly prohibited. Voice and video recording during lessons are also prohibited, and violations may result in legal action.
  12. The Centre reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, with parents/guardians being notified of any changes.